Are you passionate about leveraging data science to drive social change? If so, the Data Science for Social Impact (DSFSI) Lab at the University of Pretoria invites you to apply for a position as a Postdoc, PhD, MSc, or Honours student. Join a dynamic group of researchers committed to developing data-driven solutions for critical social issues.

About the DSFSI Lab

The DSFSI Lab focuses on two interconnected domains: Data Science for Society and Local Language Natural Language Processing. Our work in Data Science for Society enhances scientific methods and tools to empower decision-makers with actionable insights, taking into account the systemic challenges of working with local languages. Our efforts in Local Language NLP aim to advance African languages by developing new tools and methodologies that respect their unique linguistic and cultural contexts. Together, these areas fuel our mission to drive societal change through innovative data science applications.

Research Group Themes

  • Machine Learning [ML]
  • Natural Language Processing [NLP]
  • Social Media [SM]
  • Society [Soc]
  • Web Technologies [WT]

How to apply to join

Find more info on applying on our apply page

See this [GUIDE] before you contact Vukosi.