Dawit Bogale
[Bahir Dar institute of Technology] [ML]
Dawit Shibabaw Bogale is a distinguished public servant and academician in the field of computer science and AI (Data science) with 5 years of professional experience in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and internationally. in 2018 he completed His Bachelor's degree in Information science and In 2021 he completed his MSc in Data science and analytics a specialization at the University of Gondar, and Zindi Country ambassador. In these fields, he has made significant contributions resulting in 2+ articles and conference papers. now was PhD Student at Department of Data science, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar university.
Expertise: Data science, Big Data analytics and computer vison
Area of Interest: machine learning, deep learning, Computer vision, Data analyst, Data engineering, and Big Data analytics.