Call for SDGs and Data Science Postdoctoral fellowship applications
Albert Luthuli Leadership Institute (ALLI), South African SDG Hub, Data Science for Social Impact (DSFSI) Research group

The Albert Luthuli Leadership Institute (ALLI) at the University of Pretoria, through the South African SDG Hub and in collaboration with the Data Science for Social Impact (DSFSI) research group and ABSA Chair of Data Science in the Department of Computer Science, is calling for qualified persons interested to apply for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship.
The Postdoctoral Research Fellow will be required to focus on the following:
- Research on improved evidence-informed policy making as it relates to the SDGs. This includes working on and improving the existing technology underlying the South African SDG Hub and engaging policy makers as required and relevant. Of interest is investigating novel approaches for Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning to identify SDG patterns in South Africa.
- Administration and limited assessment responsibilities related to the interdisciplinary Master’s in Development Practice (MDP). The MDP is a member of the Global Association of MDPs and focuses on the leadership capabilities needed to implement complex development agendas such as the SDGs.
- Logistical and administrative support. Postdoctoral researchers will support network- building, fundraising, media or other operational functions of the South African SDG Hub.
Closing date for applications: 5 November 2021
Full requirements and instructions are in this [Document (Call for Postdoc)].
Note: Do share with those who might be interested in this opportunity. For those who are, feel free to get in contact with Dr. Vukosi Marivate ( if you have questions.
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Subject: SDG PostDoc Opportunity opportunity.